Print & Furnish: Crafting Your Custom Office

Print & Furnish: Crafting Your Custom Office

Jun 26th 2024

No two workplaces are the same. Depending on the employees and layout, certain design choices may be more effective than others. With that being said, it is important to invest in a custom office.

The key word is “invest.” You are not just spending money without reason. Instead, you are prioritizing your employees and focusing on their work style and comfort. Over time, this can result in significant benefits for your business.

This article will delve into office customization. In addition, we will discuss ways to customize your office and what tools are needed.

How to Properly Customize Your Office Space


To start, you must communicate with your employees. Why customize your office if it won’t benefit the individuals who work there? Therefore, you should take the time to talk to your employees.

Understandably, for larger businesses, it may not be feasible to conduct one-on-one meetings with everyone. Luckily, there is a solution. You can create an anonymous online survey and send everyone an email. Then, once the surveys are complete, you can customize accordingly.

Prioritize Work Styles

In addition, you should prioritize your employees' work styles. Depending on the individual, some may prefer individual spaces, while others prefer open venues.

A great way to optimize both styles is by offering options. You can provide singular desks for those who prefer them. Alternatively, you can offer larger group tables or couches for individuals who enjoy open spaces.

Natural Light

Furthermore, be sure to incorporate natural light into your office space. Individuals who receive adequate amounts of sunlight may experience better moods and increased energy. So, you can install additional windows in your office space.


You may be thinking, “What are the benefits of office customization?” To answer that question, there are plenty of wonderful benefits. For example, customization can improve productivity. Employees who feel as if their feelings are accounted for may be inspired to work more diligently.

In addition, productive communication can result in idea-sharing and innovation. Lastly, customization can lead to improved reputation. Over time, this can lead to better employee retention. Moreover, it can result in stronger candidates wanting to work for your company.

Different Types of Office Customization Tools

Now that we have explained the importance of office customization, we must discuss different tools and items to utilize. These can help with customization and can improve daily workflow.


While it may seem unlikely, printers can have a significant impact on work and productivity. Therefore, it is best to invest in a strong and reliable printer. For example, the HP Officejet Pro 8139e Multifunction Printer offers a variety of helpful features. It includes wireless internet compatibility. So, you can print copies without having to connect your device.

In addition, it features a 2.7” LCD touchscreen display. In turn, you can adjust settings such as color or orientation with minimal hassle. Finally, it is compatible with different types of paper such as professional, glossy brochures, and photos.


To continue, another important office customization tool is toner. You never know when you will need to print several copies, so it is best to have additional toner in the office.

Want to Improve Your Business? Contact Rackfinity!

There are plenty of places to purchase IT equipment, but what makes Rackfinity stand above the rest? The answer is quite simple—it’s our dedication to our clients. We believe in growing long-term business partnerships. That’s why we offer fully customized design and assembly services. In addition, we can complete services at a time of your convenience.

To learn more about us and our wonderful selection of products, please call us at 1-800-944-0338. We look forward to hearing from you.