Server Racks: The Best Rack for The Job

Server Racks: The Best Rack for The Job

Posted by Jarah Sakamoto on Sep 24th 2019

In essence, storing servers sounds like an easy task. Surely you can toss them in a spare room and move on with your day, right? Very wrong. Server rack cabinets play an important role in keeping your servers from overheating,

While care may sound like a miniscule, easy job, you’ll find that it is meticulous and important. Cabinets (available for purchase on Rackfinity) keep your servers safe, cool, and organized. Before purchasing server racks, you may want to read this article as it will look at different methods to keep your servers cool, properly powered, compact, and safe.

Keeping Your Servers Cool

There are many tips on what considerations should be made before purchasing a server rack, the first including tips on keeping your server cool. If a server overheats, the results will be disastrous, most likely including complete loss of all of your business data and records. There are two types of server racks to consider purchasing to help keep things cool. A fully perforated server rack allows maximum airflow, but this purchase is only suggested if your server room is kept cold. A fully sealed server rack is the best choice for those using a liquid cooling unit or a rack air conditioning unit to keep their servers from overheating.

Another tip offered is to keep your cables together. When cables are jumbled up in a server cabinet, airflow will be hindered. By properly stowing your cables, you offer up more space for air.

It is important to remember that all of these methods of cooling are not free. It is good to plan where you will keep your servers and how you will keep them cool before moving or purchasing them. With a plan, you will also be able to budget properly to see how much each method will cost your company.

Evenly Distributed Power

Server racks with mounted power strips keep power moving evenly throughout. There are two types of power strips: standard and intelligent. Standard power strips must be manually cared for while intelligent power strips can be maintained by any computer with an internet connection. An even spread of power between servers is very important, as a server with too much power could overheat.

Picking the Right Sized Rack

Before purchasing a server cabinet, it is very wise to measure your servers and compare. Do you want your server to have a lot of space to breathe, or would you rather have a tighter fit? It doesn’t end there, however, as you also need to measure the room you are planning on storing your servers in. If you own a lot of servers, the more space you can compact in your server room, the more servers can be stored and protected.

Additions to Your Server Rack Cabinet

There are many different variations of server rack cabinets, as well as additions. Some of these include adjustable shelves that can be moved accordingly. Top and side panels are another option. Using these, you can protect your it from dust and other external materials. Additional materials can be purchased to keep your server cabinet from tipping, such as mounting rails and retractable feet. Mounting rails keep servers easy to access and in place while the feet keep top-heavy server cabinets from falling over.


Caring for servers can be very easy if you are properly prepared. The last thing you or your company would want is a large loss due to overheating or other sorts of accidents. With the right methods of storage, you can rest easy knowing that your servers are safe and unlikely to experience meltdowns.